TMP Successfully Completes a SOC 2 Assessment to Further Data Security

At Taskmaster Pro, we continually invest in security best practices to ensure that our client’s data stays safe and secure. As a part of an ongoing effort, we are excited to announce that we’ve successfully completed our SOC 2 report.  

The examination was conducted by A-LIGN, a technology-enabled security and compliance firm trusted by more than 2,500 global organizations to help mitigate cybersecurity risks. 

TMP’s SOC 2 report validates its commitment to data security and protection, as well as compliance with critical standards to mitigate cybersecurity threats.” – Gary West, CEO of Taskmaster Pro 

What is a SOC 2 report and what does it mean for TMP? In this article, we will walk you through the ins and outs of a SOC 2 assessment report and how the report symbolizes trust to clients.

What is a SOC 2 report? 

SOC 2 report addresses risks associated with the handling and access of data and can be used by a variety of organizations of any size (e.g. SaaS, colocation, data hosting, etc.). Rather than a cybersecurity assessment that evaluates specific technical configurations, a SOC 2 report focuses more on how an organization implements and manages controls to mitigate the identified risks to the different parts of an organization.

The SOC 2 audit testing framework is based on the Trust Services Criteria (TSC), which are used to identify various risks (points of focus) an organization should consider addressing. Based on the TSCs the organization selects to be in scope, the third-party compliance and audit firm (in our case, A-LIGN) evaluates whether the organization has the appropriate policies, procedures, and controls in place to manage the identified risks effectively.

There are five Trust Services Criteria. The first criterion, Security, must be included with every SOC 2 report and is referred to as the “Common Criteria”. The remaining four are optional to include:

  1. Security (required)
  2. Availability (optional)
  3. Processing Integrity (optional)
  4. Confidentiality (optional)
  5. Privacy (optional)

In order to pass a SOC 2 examination and receive a letter of attestation successfully, it means an organization is addressing controls in areas such as information security, access control, vendor management, system backup, business continuity and disaster relief, and more

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Who should get a SOC 2 Examination?

Organizations of all sizes and industries can benefit from a SOC 2 Examination, as the audit can be performed for any organization that provides a variety of services to its customers. A SOC 2 report highlights the controls in place that protect and secure an organization’s system or services used by its customers. The scope of a SOC 2 Examination extends beyond the systems that have a financial impact, reaching all systems and tools used in support of the organization’s system or services. 


Why do I need a SOC 2?

Today, many organizations outsource their business operations and services to third-party vendors, possibly putting client data at risk. For this reason, organizations request that their vendors achieve SOC 2 compliance to demonstrate rigorous IT security standards. Some additional reasons to consider a SOC 2 report for your organization include:


  1. Clients will most likely request a SOC 2 sooner or later.  
  2. SOC 2 can bring a competitive advantage to your business.
  3. Enhanced information security practice. 
  4. SOC 2 helps you gain customer trust.
  5. Ensure your employees understand best practices. 

Know your data is safe and secure with Taskmaster ProTMP will make the SOC 2 report available to current or potential customers upon execution of a non-disclosure agreement. We hope the steps we have taken help you and your IT teams remain confident in knowing that your data is secure within TMP. To learn more about our data security policies and initiatives, please contact our team at

Texas ISS Program – 5 Reasons You Need TMP

In 2023, the state of Texas released updates to the ISS (Individualized Skills and Socialization) program that, while well-intentioned, has crafted a more complex landscape for ISS service providers who now must navigate a new, more complicated service program for their clients with minimal support structure other than a piece of reporting paper.

As an active advocate and activist for IDD care in Texas, Larry Hill (Founder of TMP and owner of multiple provider businesses serving the IDD community and ISS programs), saw this shortcoming on the horizon and knew a simple paper form would not be sufficient for managing this new program.

In order to effectively and monetarily manage system requirements, providers must implement a robust system that is comprised of well-designed workflows and guardrails to mitigate risk. A system that can maximize billable hours while limiting non-billable hours. A system that can make your day service profitable.

Fast forward to today and Taskmaster Pro has developed the state’s most comprehensive ISS management platform. During the current workforce crisis, TMP’s ISS module enables providers to do more with less while mitigating risk to their provider organizations and delivering the best possible service to their clients. Here are 5 reasons why your organization needs TMP’s ISS management system.

1. Implementing TMP = Make ISS Service Profitable

Here are some examples of how TMP will save your organization money.

  • Maximize your billable time while limiting your non-billable time.
  • TMP generates a billable log based on data entered into the system, reducing clerical errors and admin time.
  • ISS is now an HOURLY billable service instead of a day rates so your opportunity to lose money is much higher. Your staff needs to be quick and efficient with their administrative tasks (paperwork, reporting, etc) or it WILL cost you money.
  • For instance, a DSP fails to submit paperwork, or they submit paper documentation without the required information, so you have to run it down and get that information from them, or make them do it again (hours add up).
  • Or perhaps your DSP is a slow worker overall, spending hours to get the paperwork done by hand and then following whatever submission process is required to pass those documents along.
  • All of these variables, and more, create friction in your business and take a margin that is already razor-thin. 

2. Mitigate Risk – Remove the Guessing Game

Here are some examples of how TMP will provide risk mitigation:

  • State-required information is mandatory on all of our digital forms, ensuring you will not miss the vital information necessary.
  • MANAGE CARE RATIOS – TMP pulls direct care ratios for your staff (from elsewhere in TMP), taking the guesswork, decision time, and opportunity for error off the table. Less stress for the DSP (stress = errors) and less headache for management.
  • Information is cross-populated throughout the TMP system, reducing instances of repetitive entry and clerical errors.
  • Notification alerts can be sent to management whenever anything is documented outside of the set parameters in the system (the ratio is off, missing information in a document, etc).

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3. Save Time – Fast is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.

Here are some examples of how we help your company save time:

  • Massively reduce the time needed to fill out the required paperwork. Our research shows that it might take 1-1.5 hours to fill out ISS paperwork for just 8 clients. That same amount of work can be done in 5-10 minutes with TMP, essentially saving you an hour PER DAY per employee that submits paperwork.
  • That can be the difference between overtime, on time, or finishing early.
  • Eliminate over-communication. Your DSP logs into the system and immediately can see their instructions, print documentation, and can log required information into the system. Submitted reports can be reviewed instantly after submission. 
  • TMP automatically fills paperwork with standard data from elsewhere in the client’s profile, vastly reducing clerical errors and the need to revisit incorrect or incomplete documentation.

4. Do More with Less – Workforce Crisis

Here are some examples of how we help you do more with less:

  • TMP improves the daily work life of your DSPs and management.
  • Submitting necessary documentation is as simple as possible.
  • Repetitive information is auto populated from elsewhere in TMP.
  • Check boxes simplify the submission process.
  • Your DSPs will go from hours of paperwork down to minutes. Who wouldn’t like to spend less time doing paperwork?
  • Management can easily create actionable task lists and review those tasks as they are documented and submitted.
  • TMP’s unique technology provides accountability for both the DSP and management, significantly reducing or eliminating workplace disputes over performance, services delivered, or proper documentation.
  • We routinely receive compliments from both management staff and DSPs that the use of TMP will be mandatory for any future employment considerations.

5. Delivery Better Care – Manage Complex Problems with Simple Tools

Here are some examples of how TMP helps deliver better care:

  • Spend less time documenting and communicating with management. Spend more time with those you serve. More direct attention and focus will inevitably lead to more complete, well-rounded service.
  • Management delivers clear and concise objectives and instructions to their DSPs, removing the guesswork and interpretation, and keeping them focused on the task at hand.

In summary, Dayhab service in the state of Texas is more complicated than ever before. As such, the management of this service is much more complicated than a simple paper or electronic form. The new requirements, combined with the ongoing movement throughout your community as your staff delivers services, mean your organization need mobile tools that deliver clear, concise, and accurate reporting information, all in a timely manner.

TMP has built the most comprehensive tool for Texas ISS providers, and we look forward to sharing it with your organization. Click HERE for a demo or to learn more about our system.

Building a Bright Future: The Promising State of Intellectual and Developmental Disability Care Policy in Ohio

In recent years, the state of Ohio has been making remarkable strides in the field of Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) care. With a strong commitment to creating inclusive communities and providing comprehensive support, Ohio’s IDD care policies have become a shining example of progress and compassion. Looking at the history of IDD policy in the state of Ohio, it’s easy to see how key milestones and challenges have led to the current-day policy landscape.

Person-Centered Approach

One of the key strengths of Ohio’s IDD care policy is its person-centered approach. Recognizing the unique needs and aspirations of individuals with IDD, the state has embraced a philosophy that empowers these individuals to make choices and lead fulfilling lives. IDD case management plays a vital role in this process, providing tailored support that focuses on individual strengths and preferences. By valuing the voice and agency of individuals, Ohio’s care policy fosters a sense of belonging and encourages self-advocacy.

Comprehensive Support Network

Ohio’s commitment to IDD care extends beyond the individual, encompassing families, caregivers, and communities. Recognizing the vital role of these support networks, the state has implemented robust programs and services to ensure the well-being of those within the IDD community. IDD case management serves as a bridge, connecting families and caregivers with necessary IDD resources, including healthcare, therapy, education, and employment opportunities. By fostering collaboration and providing guidance, Ohio’s care policy ensures that individuals with IDD receive holistic support, enhancing their overall quality of life. (Learn about the Ohio Provider Resource Association)     

Community Integration

Ohio’s IDD care policy is firmly rooted in the belief that individuals with IDD deserve to be active participants in their communities. Through innovative programs and initiatives, the state has worked tirelessly to break down barriers and create inclusive environments. IDD case management facilitates community integration by identifying and coordinating suitable housing options, recreational activities, and social opportunities for individuals with IDD. By encouraging social inclusion, Ohio is fostering a culture of acceptance, respect, and appreciation for diversity.

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Embracing Technological Advancements

Ohio has embraced the power of technology to enhance IDD care and improve access to services. From telehealth solutions to digital communication platforms, the state has leveraged technological advancements to overcome geographical and logistical challenges. IDD case management utilizes these tools to connect individuals with IDD to specialists, therapists, and other professionals remotely, ensuring consistent support and reducing barriers to care. By embracing technology, like IDD software, Ohio is expanding the reach and impact of IDD services, making them more accessible to all. (Ask about TMP in Ohio)

Collaboration and Continuous Improvement

A remarkable aspect of Ohio’s IDD care policy is the commitment to collaboration and continuous improvement. The state works closely with stakeholders, including individuals with IDD, families, advocacy groups, and service providers, to identify areas for growth and implement necessary changes. IDD case management acts as a facilitator in this process, ensuring that the voices and perspectives of all stakeholders are heard and considered. By fostering a culture of collaboration, Ohio’s care policy remains responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of individuals with IDD.

Ohio’s IDD care policy stands as a beacon of hope and progress, reflecting a genuine commitment to the well-being and empowerment of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through person-centered care, comprehensive support networks, community integration, technological advancements, and a collaborative approach, the state has transformed the landscape of IDD care. As Ohio continues to champion inclusivity and foster a society that values the abilities of all its citizens, IDD case management remains at the heart of this inspiring journey, ensuring that every individual with IDD receives the support they deserve in order to thrive and lead meaningful lives.

Empowering Lives: A Journey through IDD Policy in West Virginia

In West Virginia, the spirit of progress and inclusivity has shaped the journey toward creating a better future for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Over the years, the state has been dedicated to implementing robust IDD case management policies, providing essential support and opportunities for growth.

A Historic Path of Inclusion

West Virginia has long recognized the importance of promoting inclusivity and ensuring the well-being of its residents with IDD. The state’s journey began with the establishment of community-based services in the late 1960s, marking a significant shift away from institutionalization. This pioneering approach aimed to empower individuals with IDD, enabling them to live fulfilling lives within their own communities.

Building Bridges through IDD Case Management

IDD case management has played a pivotal role in the advancement of West Virginia’s IDD policies. The state recognized the value of a person-centered approach, tailoring services to meet the unique needs and aspirations of individuals with IDD. Case managers became the bridge connecting individuals and their families to a wide range of supports, including medical care, therapy, educational resources, and employment opportunities. (Ask about TMP in West Virginia)

A Paradigm Shift: Person-Centered Planning

West Virginia has consistently strived to empower individuals with IDD through person-centered planning. This approach acknowledges that each person is an expert in their own life, fostering autonomy, and promoting self-determination. Person-centered planning brings together individuals, their families, case managers, and a diverse network of professionals to collaborate on creating a customized support system that maximizes independence and quality of life.

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Today’s IDD Case Management Initiatives

Today, West Virginia continues to pioneer innovative IDD case management initiatives that prioritize individual needs and aspirations. The state’s Department of Health and Human Resources has established comprehensive programs that promote integration, choice, and community engagement. These initiatives include:

  1. Enhanced care coordination: West Virginia has implemented an enhanced care coordination model, ensuring that individuals with IDD receive comprehensive and coordinated services. This model streamlines access to medical, behavioral, and social supports, empowering individuals to achieve their goals while addressing their unique challenges.
  2. Employment and vocational training: The state has embraced the power of meaningful employment for individuals with IDD. Through vocational training programs and partnerships with local businesses, West Virginia is creating pathways to inclusive employment opportunities, enabling individuals to showcase their abilities and contribute to their communities.
  3. Technology and innovation: West Virginia recognizes the potential of technology to enhance the lives of individuals with IDD. The state actively promotes the use of assistive technologies such as communication devices and smart-home solutions to foster independence, communication, and safety.

West Virginia’s journey toward inclusive IDD policies stands as a testament to the state’s commitment to empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through a rich history of person-centered planning and robust IDD case management, West Virginia continues to create a supportive environment that allows individuals to thrive, pursue their passions, and actively participate in their communities. The state’s dedication to innovation and collaboration ensures that West Virginians with IDD have the tools they need to lead fulfilling lives, unlocking their true potential and making their dreams a reality.

An Analysis of IDD Policy in Maryland: Past, Present, and Future

idd policy in maryland

An Analysis of IDD Policy in Maryland: Past, Present, and Future

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) policy has undergone significant transformations over the years, aiming to improve the lives of individuals with IDD and ensure their full inclusion in society. Looking at the history of IDD policy in the state of Maryland, it’s easy to see how key milestones and challenges have led to the current-day policy landscape. 

Historical Context

Maryland has a rich history of advocating for individuals with IDD, dating back to the mid-20th century. The state’s initial focus was on institutional care, with large-scale institutions serving as the primary form of support. However, the emergence of the civil rights movement and the deinstitutionalization movement in the 1960s and 1970s prompted a paradigm shift. Maryland, like many other states, began transitioning from a reliance on institutions to community-based care models.

Deinstitutionalization and the Rise of Community-Based Care

Deinstitutionalization brought about a shift toward providing services and supports in community settings, promoting individual choice, independence, and integration. IDD case management emerged as a critical component of this transition, ensuring that individuals received person-centered planning, coordination of services, and ongoing support.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Maryland further strengthened its commitment to community-based care through the creation of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). This agency played a crucial role in implementing policies and programs aimed at supporting individuals with IDD. IDD case management became an integral part of the system, working to assess individual needs, develop comprehensive care plans, and coordinate services across various providers and agencies.

The Evolving Role of IDD Case Management

Over the years, IDD case management has evolved to address the changing needs of individuals with IDD. Case managers now focus on enhancing self-determination, promoting community integration, and ensuring access to appropriate supports and services. They act as advocates, empowering individuals with IDD to exercise their rights, make informed decisions, and achieve their goals.

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Current-Day Policy Landscape

In recent years, Maryland has continued to prioritize the expansion and improvement of IDD services and supports. The state has embraced person-centered planning, which places individuals with IDD at the center of decision making regarding their lives and services. IDD case management plays a pivotal role in this process by facilitating effective communication, promoting collaboration among service providers, and advocating for individual preferences and needs. (Ask about TMP in Maryland)

Moreover, Maryland has implemented initiatives to enhance community integration and employment opportunities for individuals with IDD. Supported employment programs and inclusive educational settings have been key focal points, promoting self-sufficiency and meaningful engagement. IDD case managers have been instrumental in guiding individuals through these transitions, ensuring they have the necessary resources and supports to thrive.

Looking Ahead 

As the field of IDD policy and case management continues to evolve, Maryland faces new challenges and opportunities. Ongoing efforts are required to address service gaps, promote equitable access, and further enhance community integration. Collaborative partnerships between IDD case managers, service providers, and advocacy organizations will be crucial in shaping the future of IDD policy in Maryland. (More info on the HCBS Conference in Maryland)

Maryland’s history of IDD policy exemplifies the state’s commitment to person-centered care and community integration. The evolution of IDD case management has been instrumental in supporting individuals with IDD, facilitating their access to services, and promoting their self-determination. As Maryland moves forward, it is essential to build upon these foundations, ensuring that IDD case management remains a vital component of the state’s policy framework, empowering individuals with IDD to live fulfilling lives within their communities. 

The TMP IDD Software Impact – Meet Kenny It’s HOW You Say It

The TMP IDD software platform was created out of the need for our provider organization (Hill Resources Inc.) to have a great documentation software, and current market offerings falling short of what we knew was possible. After over a decade of development and use in the IDD community, we are proud to share stories like Kenny’s to show how better, person-centered care is not only possible, it is our responsibility.

When we met with Kenny, he was 22 years old and slated to return to an institution. He had been fending for himself since the age of 7. His mother died, and his long-haul trucker father did not care much for him. He was often left alone and was ultimately abandoned by his father and stepmother.

The first few months Kenny was with our provider organization were very hard—fits of rage, destruction of property, and self-hatred engulfed him. We could only imagine how many times he was called stupid because anytime he would get mad he would yell “I’m NOT stupid.”

Over the months, we would make progress, but then Kenny would regress. To move Kenny from a disheveled, angry, and hopeless individual to a thriving member of a community, we leveraged a loving staff, a plan, and TMP’s collaborative person-centered IDD software to make sure everyone had real-time data and training specific to Kenny and his needs.

First, we addressed his poor self-esteem. Kenny had been called stupid so much that his self-perception was shattered. To build Kenny up, we immediately sent a training program, through TMP, to all staff that interacted with him. This training included videos of daily affirmations that they were to share with Kenny.

We collected data on which ones worked and documented incident reports anytime there was a behavior. By getting everyone aligned and delivering the same message, we saw quick results.

Second, we found out what didn’t work. With data collected from TMP, a story began to take shape. The data helped us quickly figure out that if we asked Kenny to do something, rather than telling him to do it, the response was 100% positive.

We immediately sent out training to everyone (through TMP), and no one told Kenny to do anything from that day forward. Instead of telling Kenny, “It’s time to brush your teeth”, we would ask, “Would you like to brush your teeth now or in a few minutes?”Outbursts dropped instantly! Our staff, leveraging our TMP software, performed a miracle. Today Kenny is thriving in the community with an “adopted” family that loves him and serves as his guardian.

Empowering Lives: Iowa’s Progressive Approach to IDD Case Management

In the heartland of America, the state of Iowa has emerged as a shining example of progressive policies and compassionate care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). With a steadfast commitment to inclusion, support, and empowerment, Iowa’s IDD case management system has become a beacon of hope for families and individuals seeking a brighter future. 

Person-Centered Approach

At the core of Iowa’s IDD case management system is a person-centered approach that values and respects the unique abilities, dreams, and aspirations of each individual. The state recognizes that every person with IDD has a voice that deserves to be heard. Through personalized planning and tailored support, individuals are empowered to make decisions about their own lives, ensuring that their goals and dreams are fully realized.

Holistic Support and Coordination

Iowa’s IDD case management system takes a holistic approach to care by addressing not only the immediate needs of individuals with IDD but also their long-term goals and aspirations. Through a collaborative effort among caregivers, support professionals, and service providers, a comprehensive care plan is developed to encompass all areas of an individual’s life, including healthcare, education, employment, and social integration. This coordinated approach ensures that no aspect of an individual’s well-being is overlooked, leading to more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Community Integration

Iowa believes that individuals with IDD should be active participants in their communities. To facilitate this, the state has implemented a range of initiatives aimed at fostering community integration and social inclusion. Support programs are designed to promote independent living, employment opportunities, and recreational activities that allow individuals to engage with their peers and contribute to their communities. By breaking down barriers and encouraging acceptance, Iowa is building a society that celebrates diversity and recognizes the valuable contributions of individuals with IDD. (Visit the Iowa Association of Community Providers)

Ask How TMP Helps IDD Providers in Iowa

Accessible Services and Resources

Iowa understands the importance of accessible and quality services for individuals with IDD and their families. The state has invested in building a robust network of service providers, including healthcare professionals, therapists, educators, and vocational trainers, who specialize in supporting individuals with IDD. Through consistent and reliable access to these resources, individuals can receive the care and support they need to thrive and reach their full potential.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

Iowa’s IDD case management system is not static; it is a living and evolving model that continuously seeks improvement and innovation. The state actively seeks feedback from individuals, families, and caregivers to refine its policies and practices, ensuring that the system remains responsive and effective. By embracing technology and staying abreast of emerging research and best practices, Iowa stays at the forefront of IDD care, providing its residents with the highest standard of support. (Ask about TMP in Iowa)

Iowa’s IDD case management system stands as a testament to the state’s unwavering commitment to empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through its person-centered approach, holistic support, community integration efforts, accessible services, and commitment to continuous improvement, Iowa has created a care system that nurtures and uplifts those with IDD. By championing inclusion, Iowa is not only changing lives but also creating a society that values the unique contributions of every individual. As other states look to replicate this success, they can find inspiration in Iowa’s compassionate and progressive approach to IDD case management that make the state a leader in providing comprehensive care for those with IDD.

Empowering Lives: A Bright Future for IDD Case Management in Arkansas

In recent years, the state of Arkansas has been making significant strides in improving the care and support provided to individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Thanks to a visionary and inclusive approach to policy making, IDD case management has emerged as a beacon of hope, ensuring that every person, regardless of their abilities, can lead a fulfilling life.

Person-Centered Care

Arkansas has embraced a person-centered care approach, recognizing that each individual with IDD has unique needs and aspirations. The state’s IDD case management policies are built upon this foundation, putting the person at the forefront of decision-making. By tailoring services and supports to match individual strengths, preferences, and goals, Arkansas is fostering a culture of empowerment and self-determination.

Holistic Support Networks

IDD case management in Arkansas goes beyond just medical and therapeutic interventions. It encompasses a holistic framework that acknowledges the importance of a strong support network. The state has invested in community-based resources, including vocational training, educational programs, and recreational activities. These initiatives not only enhance the overall well-being of individuals with IDD but also promote social inclusion and a sense of belonging.

Collaboration and Coordination

The success of IDD case management in Arkansas is largely attributed to the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders. State agencies, service providers, community organizations, and families work together seamlessly to ensure streamlined service delivery. The emphasis on coordination and collaboration ensures that individuals with IDD receive comprehensive and integrated support, eliminating fragmentation and maximizing their potential for growth.

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Early Intervention and Transition Services

Recognizing the crucial role of early intervention, Arkansas has taken significant steps to identify and support individuals with IDD at the earliest stages of their lives. Robust early intervention programs provide vital support to children and their families, setting the stage for a successful transition into adulthood. Transition services, such as vocational training and independent living programs, equip young adults with the necessary skills to navigate the challenges of the real world, promoting autonomy and self-sufficiency.

Embracing Technology

Arkansas has embraced technology as a powerful tool to enhance IDD case management. The implementation of electronic health records (such as TMP) and digital communication platforms has improved information sharing and streamlined the coordination of services. Furthermore, telehealth services have expanded access to care, particularly in rural areas, ensuring that individuals with IDD have access to healthcare professionals and support networks regardless of their geographical location.

Arkansas is leading the way in promoting positive change and innovation in IDD case management. By adopting person-centered care, fostering holistic support networks, promoting collaboration, prioritizing early intervention and transition services, and harnessing the potential of technology, the state has created a framework that empowers individuals with IDD to reach their full potential.

The strides made in Arkansas serve as a shining example of what can be achieved when policymakers, communities, and families come together to champion the rights and well-being of individuals with IDD. The work done in the state sheds light on the transformative power of IDD case management. As we look to the future, let us celebrate the remarkable progress made in Arkansas and continue to advocate for inclusive policies that ensure every person, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can build a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.  

IDD Policy in Florida – Quick Read

The state of Florida is leading the way in providing high-quality care and support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The state has implemented IDD case management services as a key component of its care policy. These services are helping individuals with IDD live independently, participate fully in their communities, and achieve their personal, social, and financial goals.

IDD case management in Florida is a person-centered approach to care that involves developing a tailored plan for each individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This plan is personalized to meet the unique needs and goals of each person and is regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains up to date and relevant. IDD case management services help individuals identify, locate, and access the specific services and support they need to live independently, maintain their health, and achieve these goals.

One of the strengths of Florida’s IDD care policy is the focus on community inclusion. The state has implemented a number of initiatives aimed at helping individuals with IDD live, work, and participate fully in their communities. 

One such initiative is the iBudget Florida program. This program provides the vital care services and support that individuals with IDD require—in community- or home-based settings—to be able to live independently, outside of institutional settings. IDD case management services are often involved in helping individuals identify their financial, personal, and social goals; create an individualized plan for achieving these goals; and easily identify and access the services and support they require to fulfill their goals.

Florida has also implemented a number of employment initiatives for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These initiatives include job training programs and tax incentives for employers who hire members of the IDD community. IDD case management services assist individuals with identifying, securing, and maintaining employment, giving them the ability to achieve greater self-reliance and opportunity for financial and personal independence.

Ask How TMP Helps IDD Providers in Florida

In recent years, Florida has made significant progress in reducing the waitlist for care services and support. Currently, there are more than 47,000 individuals with IDD receiving care through the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD), which was reduced by more than 4,000 individuals in 2022 alone. This progress is a testament to the state’s commitment to extending high-quality care and support to all Floridians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Another strength of Florida’s IDD care policy is its focus on quality assurance. The state has implemented a number of measures to ensure that individuals with IDD receive high-quality care that meets their unique needs as determined by their personalized care plan. These measures include regular monitoring of service providers, annual reviews of individual care plans, and ongoing training and education for IDD case managers and other care providers. The quality assurance measures serve as a benchmark for the level of care necessary to ensure that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities receive appropriate, high-quality support.

Florida’s emphasis on personalized, community-based care and support, as well as its focus on quality assurance, is providing the opportunity for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live independently, participate fully in their communities, and set and achieve their goals. IDD case management services play a critical role in this process, helping individuals identify and easily access the routine services and support they need to thrive. As Florida continues to make progress in IDD care policy, it is clear that the state is committed to improving the lives of individuals with IDD and their families.

Click HERE to learn more about how TMP helps providers in Florida.

The TMP IDD Software Impact – Debbie’s Story Improved Quality of Life – Thanks to a Little Data

The TMP IDD software platform was created out of the need for our provider organization (Hill Resources Inc.) to have a great documentation software, and current market offerings falling short of what we knew was possible. After over a decade of development and use in the IDD community, we are proud to share stories like Debbie’s to show how better care is not only possible, it is our responsibility.

Debbie’s Story

Debbie came to our provider organization after years of mismanaged medications and incomplete diagnosis. We knew Debbie had the ability to be part of a community, she just needed the opportunity to thrive, a purpose and some self-esteem.

We worked to identify shortcomings in her past care and came up with a plan to address those issues. The first action was getting her meds, her diagnosis, and her care team all aligned.

We put what information we knew about Debbie’s medical history into our TMP software program, and everyone who interacted with Debbie—DSPs, nurses, case managers, clinical teams—continued to put data into the TMP.

As we collected more data, we began to leverage that information and quickly noticed stories a consistent narrative emerging.

Our information showed that Debbie would have regular blood sugar drops throughout the day, even though she had no diagnosis of diabetes.

Immediately after discovering this and forming a new care plan, the nursing staff sent training and scheduled healthy snacks for Debbie. This helped tremendously and all it took was the right people implementing the right technology (TMP in this case) to be able to review the information in front of them.

Since it was so easy for the nurse and the staff to schedule and implement the TMP monitoring tools, our care team caught something that others had missed.

Debbie’s new clinical team, though outside our provider organization, had access to her medical and behavioral data. It was the collaboration of the team that helped us make life-changing differences for her.

Over medicated and underfed, her body was in a state of crisis too often. Combine that with limited communication skills and it is easy to see why chaos so often ensued.

Once she was stabilized, we realized Debbie was much more capable than anyone knew. Since TMP allowed everyone to collaborate in real-time, Debbie is now thriving as a member of the community.